Product Finder >  Kitchen  > Your Kitchen Your Way

Company:Häfele GmbH & Co

Häfele India launched the Kitchen Fittings Division in November, 2007. Providing world-class functionality in kitchens has always been one of Hafele’s core competencies and the company is the leader in this field in many countries all over the world.

Keywords : Modular Kitchen, Kitchen Corner Solutions, Hafele, Cutlery Trays, Kitchen Midway Systems, Modern Kitchen

Company : Kitchen : Your Kitchen Your Way

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Dealer list :
  1. Chandra Hardware Agency, Bangalore, 080-41149393/22239671
  2. Dynamic Interiors, Bhavnagar, 9327504878
  3. Domineer Modular Kitchen, Vijayawada, 0866-2473032
  4. Ishan Woodcraft (I) Pvt. Ltd., Varanasi, 0542-2211209
  5. C Perumal Pillai Sons, Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), 0471-4068181
  6. AK Kitchen Gallery, Tiruchirappalli, 0431-2457642
  7. Vinod Kumar & Sons, Amritsar, 0183-2533333
  8. Parmanand, Bangalore, 080-25585809
  9. Contractor & Sons Mkt. Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad, 079-26441727
  10. K D Sons, Baroda, Vadodara, 0265-6622032/34
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