Product Finder >  Wiring and Electrical fitting  > Athena

Company:Jain Vidyut

Made up of polycarbonate. Refractor Refractor made up of high impact resistance, UV resistance poly-carbonate prismatic finish for better light distribution. Lamp holder B22d Engg. plastic lamp holder with electrical grade brass contacts. Electric gear Pre wired with B22d lamp holder upto terminal block for supply connection. Mounting Suitable for post/ pole mounting of 60mm dia (max.) with the help of 2 screws provided. Applications Lawns Gardens Pathways Court yards Decorative porch lighting

Keywords : Lights,CFL,Cables,Wires,Fans,Lighting

Company : Wiring and Electrical fitting : Athena

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Dealer list :
  1. Mr. Sudheer Jain, 6190, Nicholson Road, Ambala Cantt-133001, Ambala, 9416027138,9896044890
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