My land(1080s.ft) east facing area( 36' x 30')and construct a house with Living room(16'X11'), kitchen cum dining(8'x15.45'), 2 bedrooms(10'x11')(9.75'x11'), common bathtoilet(western 4'x 7'), portico(10'x16'), and one indian toilet under the stair case(3'x10',outside).
Promotor as given me the below specification for 895 sq.ft build area ( ground floor)and says full pillar is not required. Please tell me whether following specification is safe for earthquake resistant and building a floor later in future.
Foundation & Basement:
1. Earth work for Column footing, 3'6" x 3'6" upto 5'0" depth.
2. Plain cement concrete 1:5:10 using 1.5" metal for foundation base to a thickness of 6".
3. Reinforment cement concrete 1:2:4 using 3/4" jelly for column footing,column, grade beam etc. it includes bar bending and centering etc( STUB Column method).
4. Basement will be constructed by brick wall.
Super structure
1. Brick work main wall 9" Tk in C.M 1:6 & Partion wall 4.5" tk in C.M 1:4 using chamber bricks for superstructure.
2. Reinforment cement concrete 1:2:4 using 3/4" jely for column, lintel beam, roof beam and roof slab. it includes barbending and centering.
Kindly tel me i can continue with this specification. Give a approx estimation for this.
Thanks in advance,