a big lot around the house. The lot is not even land. There are lot of ups and downs.
The lot is in the slope of a hillock.
The terrain of the slop is downward towards SW, West and SE directions.
NE Is upward. North and East are on same level of the house.
South West corner is not in perfect rectangle and it is in obtuse angled.
Because of the Slope at SW corner, I would like to make SW a perfect Rectangular lot with a retaining wall and fill the lot with soil to the same level of the ground around the house.
By doing the above changes, the lot will look perfect and can be used for regular usage. In present condition, we are not able to use the SW corner of the lot at all.
My question is about the portion of the lot that will be left unused or gradual disowning the portion of the lot which will not be used eventually.
By doing the above, will there be any good or bad effect in the perspective of vaastu.?
Please advise , I am in great confusion at this point, because it is going to cost a lot to make the above changes. If that effects us bad because of vaastu then we are going to lose money, effort apart from getting bad things because of vaastu.
Thank you very much in advance.