Groups  Group Name: Interior Designer        Group Category: General        Group Owner: MonikaUpdated on 12/18/2018
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Picture story
Created By: siva      On: 12/27/2009

Story Title: sdfsdf

Created By: siva      On: 12/27/2009

Story Title: sdfsdf

Created By: radhika      On: 9/8/2009

Story Title: hi

Created By: Sanjeev Thakur      On: 7/25/2008

Story Title: Metropolitan design

I love the interiors with dominant white shades, interesting dark lines around the furniture with a dominant backdrop creates a great effect. Very nice if you live in a Bangalore, Mumbai or any other metro  and want to create a solid professional style. The design looks clean and has a touch of luxery too. Thanks Joseph

Created By: Kartik      On: 6/19/2008

Story Title: Pure and Happy Life

A neat and clean house brings in pure happiness and fresh thoughts. Fresh thoughts make you more successful and active. For an active life you need proper relaxation. Enjoy your self with your family, watch movies with your guests. That’s what this drawing room says to you.

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