
Browse different style of bathroom sink for your bathroom so that it matches with the theme. Pedestal sinks, double sink, Vanity sinks are the different that you can install in your bathroom.
Installation of kitchen sink requires just few tools,material and a beautiful sink according to your needs. Read the steps given in the article so that you can install or replace kitchen sink.
Pipe work and appliances are arranged in such a way as to allow close grouping of connections with water closet.The pipes discharge waste water into a sewer directly or through a trapped drain.
Installation of kitchen sink seems a daunting task but it is just simple to fix a sink in the kitchen. It can be fitted below the countertop after taking right measurement of countertop and cabinets. This article tells you steps for installation of kitchen sink.
Stylish sink offers an elegant look to your kitchen interior. Appealing designs of kitchen sinks with maximum functionality enhance the inherent beauty of your kitchen. Sinks are the focal point of the kitchen and gives a glossy and shining look when choose perfectly.
Boards of hardwood or softwood are of good quality and free of knots.The usual thickness of the boards is 19 mm or 25 mm.
In electrical works, earthing or earthed means to connect electrical system to general mass of earth in such a manner as it ensures an immediate discharge of electrical energy without danger at all times.
We all need power to run electrical appliances and different gadgets in our home. For proper distribution of electricity we need to install and maintain the quality wiring by an expert electrician. Following tips will help you understand wiring installation process for your home or office.
A clean and germ free home is where you live fresh and healthy for long. For a healthy and germ free environment in home we need good knowledge or expert plumber who can set pipe work in a way that it helps in a good way but knowing these tips will help you make sure that the work is being done properly.
Requirements of drainage and sanitation for dwelling area covered with individual- One bathroom provided with a tap............
Foundation is the part of structure below plinth level and needs special care while designing. Whole design of the foundation, super structure and characteristics of the ground should be studied to obtain economy in construction work.
Stair construction needs major consideration while you are either building a new home or just doing any renovation. This write will describe all the points you need to consider while construction stairs
In construction of building or house like all other components, water supply is also very important part of building construction. If there is any short coming found in laying water supply line in the house, than this will create big problem both in functioning of house and leakage also damage the plaster, paint and structure.
Sanitary appliances are fittings used for collection and discharge of soil or waste matter. These appliances may be grouped under soil appliances and waste water appliances. Soil appliances are used for collection and discharge of excreta matter including water closet, urinal etc.
Designing pipe lines in a house or building needs careful vision. There is no cross connection between pipes for drinking water and pipes containing impure and waste water.
Different beautiful designs make you curious to buy all the faucets for your bathroom and kitchen. Browse design from wall mounted faucets to ceiling mounted faucets, from tub faucets to shower faucets and LED lighted faucets. Look at the pictures before buying faucets.
Regular cleaning in bathroom keeps you and your family free of germs. It strengthens your body and keeps you fit as well. Here are some simple tips to make your bathroom neat and clean.
Electric fitting must be safe and ensure proper safety to the occupants of the house. Low quality products or appliances can cause fatal accidents like short circuit fire/smoke, break out of fire in entire house, current-shock to any member etc.
Different types of switches and sockets- Get information about various switches and sockets and there uses. And select the best switches or socket for your homes
Sometimes due to carelessness or ignorance, electric phase (Live) wire comes in touch with human body and the current flows through the body as the body is good conductor of electric current.

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Vastu for East Facing Plot
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POP false ceiling design for 17 ft by 20 ft room with wooden planks
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Chandelier and false ceiling design for kitchen
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Curtain style with striped pattern valances matching with wallpaper
Curtain style with striped pattern valances matching with wallpaper
Chandelier with minimal design
Chandelier with minimal design
Hardwood textured flooring for living room
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wooden plank ceiling with lighting for kitchen
wooden plank ceiling with lighting for kitchen
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Mumty windows style
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Wooden Interior door design
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Dining Set Design
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LCD Unit Design
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Lining Room LCD Unit
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Marble Floor
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Shower Enclosure
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LCD Wall Unit
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Modern LCD Unit Design
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Stylish LCD Wall Unit
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LCD Unit with Wall Decor
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Stylish Hanging Lights
Stylish Hanging Lights
Ceiling and Lighting Design
Ceiling and Lighting Design
Royal Sofa Design
Royal Sofa Design
Modern Ceiling Design
Modern Ceiling Design
Ceiling Design
Ceiling Design

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