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Gardening for Beauty and Relaxation
Gardening for Beauty and Relaxation
Gardening is a wonderful and relaxing hobby. If you love gardening, you are not alone. Many people are indulging in this hobby.

By Nidhi
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Plants watering tips, How to water plants, Tips for watering plants Tips for Watering Plants
  By:Nidhi - On Saturday, October 11,2008  -  4672 View(s)  -  1 Comment(s)
Plants watering tips, How to water plants, Tips for watering plants 

There are many factors that create a beautiful garden; water is one of the most important factors.  Therefore proper watering is essential for the growth of plants. Some basic principles can help your plants grow properly.

Watering plants should be easy on regular basis. Unfortunately people don’t know when to water the plants and how much water a plant needs.  All plants do not require same amount of water. There are several factors like the size of plant, type of plant, weather condition, temperature, light, and moisture and humidity level that determine the amount of water. Weather condition is also an important factor for amount of water a plant requires. In summer plants need more water than they need in winters.  

When to Water the Plants

Watering plants in morning gives best results. If you water plants early in the morning and sprinkle water on leaves, they take time to dry out all the day. Wet leaves are the reason for plant diseases.     

Some plants do not require water daily. To know when to water the plants, this method is effective. Stick your finger into the soil and if the finger gets cool but not wet, the plant does not require water. If the finger gets dry, the plant needs water. 


How to Water the Plant

Water the soil, not the plant as the plants take water from its roots, so the soil should be watered. Plants may be watered from the top or the bottom of the pot. If you want to water from the top, use watering can and pour water into the soil. Watering from the bottom is another successful way of watering container plants.

Place container in a saucer filled with water. When top of the soil becomes moist, remove container from the saucer and allow extra water to drain out and place container back to the saucer.

Amount of Water: Generally, flowering plants need more water than shrubbery plants. Cactus needs less amount of water. Watering should be done on the basis water requirements of plants as too wet or too dry soil can causes plants to die. 

Over Watering: Over watering is the main problem with garden plants. Plants need water and air to grow. Over watering do not allow proper air flow in the soil, which will cause diseases in plants.

Under Watering: It is also a problem for plants. Some gardeners wait till the soil dries out completely then they water the plants. Dried soil can weaken the roots of plants. The roots need water for foliage for being alive.  

Proper Drainage: Proper drainage of water will help in over watering the plants. Keep drainage holes of containers clean and place a pebble at drainage hole of the container before adding soil in it.  

Note: Ordinary water is usually satisfactory for plants. Rain water is excellent for plants.

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By Sukhdev Singh : On Sunday, October 19,2008
very good knowledge
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