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A storm, flood and termite proof house |
on 8/4/2009 |
It is pioneering in construction that Aeonian Brick Homes is the first company to design a storm, flood, and termite and fire proof houses. The bricks used to construct these homes are resistant to termites, not damaged by flood water and don’t let the molds and mildew grow. The construction will begin on a one acre land in Summerville, South Carolina in the US in late August, 2009. This house will be brick manufacturer’s first home built with its own waterproof and interlocking bricks.
Features of Aeonian Brick Homes are following.
- Fireproof
- Soundproof
- Termite and insect proof
- Mold and mildew proof
- Storm and cyclone proof (sustained winds up to 240 mph)
- Won’t get damaged by flood waters
- Appear exactly like any other neighboring home
- Have 15 times more insulation than concrete block or wood frame house
- Provide R-21 heat resistance and R-45 thermal mass in walls and roof and save huge amounts of energy.
- Offer 50 year structural strength guarantee.
Here are views of some executive members of Aeonian Brick Homes.
“We are the only brick manufacturer in the United States that produces a brick that doesn’t require some type of applied sealant to make it waterproof. Aeonian’s bricks come out of the mold waterproof,” says Founder Don Blalock.
Don goes on to say, “The energy footprint required to produce the Aeonian Brick is virtually zero. Traditionally, bricks are fired at thousands of degrees for one to two weeks, consuming huge amounts of energy. Our brick is steamed-cured for three days, then placed on racks to continue curing for an additional three weeks, no huge expenditure of oil, gas or coal is required.”
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