Question details
Request for the detailed cost estimate
the builder has provided 290 sq. ft of flower beds around 1.5 ft lower than the main flooring which needs to be raised to the level of rest of the floor. the contractor has quoted me rs 75k for raising this using cuddapah, channels and siphorex blocks, sand and labour etc. over and above this he is quoting rs 25k for just tiling work (tiles are provided by the builder already, contractor will just quote for other things like sand, cement, labbour etc). the 3 french windows which help to separate the carpet flooring versus the flower bed area need to be pushed outwards onto granite marble. the contractor will provide additional channels and labour for this as well as some more fixed glass and the granite. he is charging me rs 10000 for this. lastly for an additional door with 2 good quality locks (godrej make) he is charging me 12000 rs (along with the door frame as well as brass fittings). please help suggest the correct estimate for all this.
Price : Rs.870
Paid : Rs.870
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Others
On : 06/26/2010
Views : 1348
Status : Open
Files attached : No files
Expert(s) chosen:  S L Gupta
Status history
Locked by S L Gupta on Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:49 PM

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