Question details
Even Number of Doors of House as per vastu
Dear Sir,

Regarding Number of DOORS

My Flat is having 9 doors (inclusding bath room).
Now I want to go for one more door for safety (just front of the main door) then it becomes 10 doors.

1) Please advice on this if I go with 10 doors what is remedy?

2) If I dont go then number of doors will be 9 is this ok? if not your suggestion please.

3) Will the Main door be counted in total no of doors of house?

My main door is facing towards North.


Price : Rs.100
Paid : Rs.100
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Vastu Shastra
On : 07/12/2013
Views : 1656
Status : Open
Files attached : No files
Expert(s) chosen:  Nitien Parmarsabina vanjaniS L GuptaHappy Living ®mukesh premji maruwaheed mirzapreethivinsminksRahul DeepakSunil PatilAAcharya Raghavkirtivinay jain
Status history
Comment by Nitien Parmar on Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:23 AM
 Hello, Total of the door should not end with zero. SO 10 is not as per vastu. Nine is a odd figure and should be avoided. Main door also counted in the total number of door. We suggest to go for one of the door with just door frame which is not counted as a door ( do not put a doors just a door frame)

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