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What are the detail questioner which should be asked to the building contractor
Dear Expert

I am in plan to construct my dream home which is of size 40x60 sqft.
As I am am working and can not superwise or watch the construction so I am in plan to give construction job to some contractor in my city Lucknow which will include all material at contractor end.

Now please let me know what should be the catch points which must be cleared before giving the contract.

what should be the basic questions that should be asked to the contractor.

generally what is the normal trend of these contractor what they include what they don't.

Price : Rs.100
Paid : Rs.100
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Start Construction
On : 12/12/2013
Views : 1948
Status : Open
Files attached : login of 017.jpg   on :Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:07 PM
Expert(s) chosen:  Nitien Parmarwaheed mirzaminksS L Gupta
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