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Request for the detailed cost estimate
contact Person 1: M. Gowri Shankar Phone - 9884184327 email: contact Person 2: M. Shanmuga Sundaram email:; Dear I have already done the floor plan (GF & FF) and elevation and the area is appx for 2979 sq.ft. Now i want a detailed cost estimation with multiple opition (different column for each opition) Eg. if floor is marble, tiles, mosaic if wood is Teak wood, type 2 wood Detailed for construction . No. of days require for each stage, material cost, manpower cost in Unamancheri, Chennai, Tamilnadu. what is the mile stone for payment if it is for whole building contract and the prevailing market rate what is the mile stone for payment if it is only labour contrac and the prevailing market rate What is the rate for staircase and portico area. how is is calculated for constrction cost. Market information require like for material and the best supplier in terms of rate and quality. And the best recommendation for the overall for the Building construciton. thanks & regards Shanmugam
Price : Rs.6,703
Paid : Rs.6,703
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Others
On : 01/08/2014
Views : 1036
Status : Open
Files attached : No files
Expert(s) chosen:  S L Gupta
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