Require floor plan for a 2BR/2BA apartment on 3rd floor
Its an existing 2 story building. I have added another floor (3rd) already. Attached is the rough drawing of the 3rd floor with dimensions. The drawing shows space for two apartments, named as Apartment #1, and Apartment #2. Apartment #1 space is rectangular in shape where as Apartment #2 is L shaped. I am interested in: 1. Initially, floor plan (2bedroom/2bathroom) for both the apartments. Once the floor plan is finalized.. 2. Interior decoration for Apartment # 2 only. Just for floor plans only (for the 2 apartments) I am willing to pay Rs 2000. Price : Rs.2,000 Paid : Rs.2,000 Balance : Rs.0 Question category : Others On : 11/25/2014 Views : 1205 Status : Open Files attached : FloorPlan.JPG on :Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:56 AM Expert(s) chosen: minks |