Question details
How do I save my particle board doors clad with 4 mm teak-ply as they have turned bad in lower portion due to water from swabbing.
I have to clad the bottom portion of each door on all sides by laminating with the right kind of material. 4 mm teak-ply has cracked up to 15" height. A photograph is attached for your perusal.

My humble request is to guide me with the lamination material - Should I use sun mica or ACP Sheet or any other sheet that you suggest shall be better and save the doors?

Most importantly, the materials should be available locally in Jamshedpur.

I shall await your guidance ASAP please.

Price : Rs.100
Paid : Rs.100
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Interior Lifestyle
On : 10/08/2015
Views : 1916
Status : Open
Files attached : K-DOOR-BOTTOM.JPG   on :Thu Oct 08, 2015 10:28 PM
Expert(s) chosen:  S L Guptawaheed mirzavinay jain
Status history
Request for clarification by S L Gupta on Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:15 PM
 Dear Alik Ban The problem share by you is common problem as the moisture rise from the bottom portion of door shutter. At the time of fixing the shutter in the chowkat carpenter cut the bottom portion of door shutter and fix the shutter. Painter paint the door but the bottom of door shutter remains unpainted as it is not possible after fixing the door shutter. The proper way is fit the door shutter according to door chowket than painter should paint the bottom of door shutter and after drying the shutter should be fixed in the door frame/ chowkat. In this way the moisture from bottom side of shutter should not rise in shutter. You should fix the ACP sheet on FIVE SIDES (5) of the shutter i.e on front and back than 35mm or 40 mm as thickness of your shutter on the hinges side and handle side than at the bottom of shutter. Hire good carpenter for this job. 1 Front 2 back 3 hinges side 4 handle side 5 most important bottom of shutter.

Locked by S L Gupta on Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:40 AM

Locked by S L Gupta on Wed Oct 14, 2015 11:39 AM

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