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various types of traps with skecth
various types of traps with skecth
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Question category : Plumbing
On : 05/30/2008
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Answered by Mohini Sharma on Fri May 30, 2008 3:46 PM

Hi Bhups,

There are seven types of traps which are given below.
1. Gully Trap: These traps are located outside the building to carry waste water from washbasin, bathroom and kitchen to the nearest inspection chamber or main hole. The water seal in gully traps stops foul gases of sewer line to enter the bathroom, kitchen etc.
2. P. Trap: These traps are used for fixing water closet in toilet and are also used to carry waste from toilet to main hole. The water seal in P trap stops foul gases from main hole to enter the toilet. 
3. Floor Trap or Nahini Trap: These traps are used in bathroom, below kitchen sinks and wash basin. These are used to carry waste water from kitchen, bathroom etc. to inspection chamber or main hole. The water seal of floor trap prevents foul gases from main hole to enter the bathroom, kitchen etc.
4. Intercepting Traps: These traps are provided at last main hole of building sewerage to stop entry of foul gases from public sewer into building sewer.     
5. Bottle traps: These traps are used below washbasin and sink.
6. Q. Traps: These traps are used on the first floor of the building under the water closet in toilet to carry the waste from toilet to main hole and also stops foul gases from main hole to the toilet.
7. S .Traps: these traps are used under European water closet to carry the waste from toilet to main hole and also stop entry of foul gases from main hole to the toilet. The traps are also used for outlet through the floor whereas P. traps are used for outlet through the wall.
Note: Sketches will be supplied in later.


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