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u replied my ques which is as under.Actually my 2nd bedroom is in SE direction not in SE.If it is wrong,what is the remedy?my toilet wall is attaced to east wall of kitchen,should i place gas in SE?
The bedroom is northeast direction can be used for elder people. SE corner is not recommended for sleeping. If you want to use this room, put your bed in SW corner of the room and sleep with head towards the South or put the bed in NE corner of the room and sleep with head towards the East. The kitchen in southwest direction is not recommended by vastu consultants. Move the kitchen to SE area of the house or use the SE corner of the Kitchen for gas burner. Southeast or northwest direction is advisable for kitchen. The Toilet in south is ok. The toilet in Southeast is not advisable. 
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Question category : Kitchen
On : 06/05/2008
Views : 2134
Status : Closed
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Answered by Priti Arora on Wed Jun 04, 2008 1:44 PM

Place your bed in SW corner of the room and sleep with head towards the South or Place the bed in NE corner of the room and sleep with head towards the East.

Please click on the link for more information about kitchen.

Kitchen Vastu

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