Question details
Is it recommendable to Construct a Toilet touching the common Boundary Wall
This is regarding our East facing Independent Duplex House having Common Boundary Wall of 6 inch Thickness. Our Neighbour is Constructing a Toilet at  North West Corner of his Duplex House touching to the Common Boundary  Wall which happens to the South West Corner of our House.  I would like to know whether there would be any adverse affect to me since  there was a height increase at his North west corner since the constructed Bathroom has touched the common wall. Please get back to meat the earliest on my Mail id, i.e
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Question category : Bathroom
On : 06/05/2008
Views : 2195
Status : Open
Files attached : No files
Expert(s) chosen:  Rahul Deepak
Status history
Locked by Rahul Deepak on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:09 PM

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