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In my west facing house,kitchen is in SW and east wall is common with toilet. whats the remedy without moving kitchen to SE?can I put burner on that common wall?

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Question category : Kitchen
On : 06/05/2008
Views : 3638
Status : Answered
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Expert(s) chosen:  Rahul Deepak
Status history
Comment by sabina vanjani on Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:18 AM
 A kitchen in the SW can hamper family and social relationships. A kitchen in the SW weaken this sector and may lead to Craziness, neurosis, obession, psychological problems, dissatisfaction, dishonesty. The Diseases fostered by a weak SW are problems of the central nervous system, psychological illness. The remedies are to place a colourful or Grey statue/picture of Ganesha at the main entrance. Also place a Yellow Jaiselmer Stone under the gas stove. The size of the stone should be same as the gas stove. Also put a cream coloured ceramic vase in SW with yellow flowers in it. Thanks Sabina

Question clarification by mukesh munjal on Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:45 PM
 thanks for giving ans to 2nd part of my question but what pl. give answer to first part that is without moving kitchen to SE, what are the bad effects & remedy of SW kitchen

Answered by Rahul Deepak on Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:47 AM
 According to principles of Vastu, the kitchen adjacent to toilet is not recommended. However in your case the best solution is to fix a wooden board with common wall or double the width of the wall between the kitchen and toilet. After doing that you can place gas burner beside common wall.
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Question clarification by mukesh munjal on Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:01 AM
 PL. read my question again. The answer given is already well known by me so give specific answer only.

Answered by Rahul Deepak on Wed Jun 11, 2008 4:58 PM
 According to Vastu Shastra, the lord of ‘Agni’ (Fire) prevails in south-east direction. So ideally the kitchen should be located in south-east of the home. The second best option is north-west part of the home. The stove should be placed in south-east direction of the kitchen so that the cook may face east direction while cooking.
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Locked by Rahul Deepak on Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:09 PM

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