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i have started a construction company n m looking for some new projects. can anybody guide me the way out.

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Question category : Foundation
On : 05/24/2008
Views : 1232
Status : Closed
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Fri Mar 07, 2008 3:38 PM

First of all congratulation and best wishes for your construction company, Now as you are looking for some new projects, here are some suggestions on how or where you can get some projects  :


  1. You may advertise your company by publishing your ad on the websites.
  2. If you want to work with government sector, then you may contact the respective department of your choice. For doing work in any government department, one should have registration in the department as contractor in a certain class, according to the limit of amount for tendering in that class. The department will float the tender for construction work. And you can take the work by applying the tenders.
  3. In case you are interested in private sector, you may meet the architects in your area and showcase your capabilities.


Once again we wish you all the best.

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