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What is the process of insulating the wall with thermocol etc. for heat resistance. As my room is west facing.

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Question category : Brick work
On : 03/20/2008
Views : 2244
Status : Closed
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Answered by Priti Arora on Tue Mar 04, 2008 12:40 PM

Thermocol is light insulating material which may be pasted by suitable adhesive to the surface of the wall. Typical specification for such type of insulation treatment is as follows:

Applying CPRX Compound of Shalimar Tar Products (STP) on the wall, fix thermocol in 2’ X 2’ in frame and finally cover the same with the 24 Gauge perforated aluminum sheet. This will add to the life of thermocol.
You may take help from the expert on insulation material.


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