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Please get me the detail of deduction to be considered for brick work measurment.
Please get me the detail of deduction to be considered for brick work measurment.
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Question category : Brick work
On : 05/29/2008
Views : 1671
Status : Closed
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Answered by Mohini Sharma on Wed May 28, 2008 4:16 PM

Hello Susanta Kumar,

All openings and dissimilar materials/items done in brick work as per design requirement such as RCC items and any of the architectural jali etc. should be detected from brick work except the items given below.
1. Ends of dissimilar material i.e. joints, beams, lintel, post, girders, purlins, rafter, trusses, corbels etc. up to 500 sq. centimeter in section.
2. Opening up to 1000 square centimeter in section
3. Bed plates, wall plates, bearing of ‘Chhajas’ etc. up 10 centimeters in depth.
4. Drainage holes, iron fixture, pipes hold fast etc.
 No extra payment should be made for above items. 


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