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I want information on flooring in landscape or in exterior like foothpath,garden,lawn,etc.

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Question category : Flooring More
On : 05/29/2008
Views : 1283
Status : Closed
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:28 PM

Choosing the right material for path and patios is very important as they tend to get covered with plants. Your choice will be governed  by size of garden. price, ease of laying and the importance of permanence.
1) Brick: Brick is one of the best choices. The bricks weather to give an attractive finish. Bricks can be mystifying in their verity, but make sure you choose frost resistant material. 
2) Concrete pavers similar in scale to bricks, these come in interlocking angular shapes as well as the usual rectangles. The color range is less wide and individual shades and colors are more uniform. Concrete pavers are ideal for a new house.
3) Stone Slabs: Stone slabs are mellow and elegant but are also expensive and may come in large sizes that can be heavy and difficult to handle but they are perfect for larger area and alongside stone house walls.
4) Reconstituted stone slabs: These are very effective, as many of them contain a large proportion of ground stone. They sometime resemble Riven stone and they come in more manageable sizes and at a more reasonable price. They are also very popular.
5) Concrete: State forward concrete laid on site is inelegant as a final surface and should be avoided, but such pads are often necessary under buildings or under drives that will be taking heavy loads.
6) Gravel: A very useful and inexpensive surfacing, gravel is more suitable for informal areas than patios but it is ideal where paths can merge into beds, which can also graveled to keep down weeds. It also makes fine, relatively inexpensive, short term surfacing.
7) Bark Chips: You can use bark chips in a similar way to gravel, they are especially good as paths in shade and are ideal as a surface for children’s playgrounds.


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Answered by Love thy community on Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:15 PM

Hi Pooja,

You can find information at the following articles outside this site.

I hope GharExpert team would add more information on this topic.

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