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Where can I get Calcite powder for Terrazzo flooring? Is it better than using marble powder?Where can I get a good mistry to lay in situ floor with marble chips in Delhi?

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Question category : Flooring More
On : 06/04/2008
Views : 1846
Status : Closed
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Wed Mar 05, 2008 1:51 PM
 In terrazzo flooring marble powder is to be used and it is available on the shops who deal in marble chips, marble powder, ceramic tiles and other flooring materials etc. The cement and marble powder is mixed in the ratio 3:1, that is three parts of cement and one of marble powder mixed together. This mixture mixed with marble chips in the ratio of 4:7 where four parts of mixture of cement and marble powder and seven of marble chips. The size and color of the marble chips depends upon the thickness of terrazzo flooring and color is required.

Terrazo Flooring

For hiring a good mistri / Masson you may contact the labor contractor of your area for laying the terrazzo floor.

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