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What are the immediate steps that we should take in case of cylinder blast in any building?

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Question category : Fire Safety
On : 03/10/2008
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Answered by Ruchika on Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:25 AM

When a gas cylinder blasts in the building due to any reason, the following steps are to be taken immediately.


  • Make arrangements to extinguish the fire by self or by calling the fire brigade.
  • If any person is found in the area of blast, he should be rescued immediately.
  • Switch off the main switch of electricity.
  • Make arrangements for first aid/medical aid to the injured person.
  • After fire is extinguished check households for any hidden fire which may cause the fire again.
  • The shutters of doors and windows should be checked to avoid any accident of fire and of loose part of door shutters.
  • The walls and columns should be checked whether there are any cracks that may cause damage to the structure.
  • The roof slab should be checked for cracks. If there is any, ensure the cracks in plaster or RCC slab.
  • If there is crack in the RCC slab, the slab should be tested by providing load on the slab in shape of covering bags filled with earth etc.


a) As per instructions, the gas cylinder should be placed in the cage separately for safety of the house.

b) Fire extinguisher must be equipped in the kitchen or nearer to the gas cylinder.

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