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what colour stone chips will look beautiful in mosaic matrix i.e. white & green, white/black or all colours ? what is 60:40 mix for mosaic ?

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Question category : Marble Chips
On : 03/15/2008
Views : 1208
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:26 PM

In Mosaic/Terrazo flooring, the top layer of flooring is laid with cement, marble chips in ratio of 4:7. Marble chips are available in different colors and sizes. You can use white, marble chips of single color or marble chips of different colors mixed together to add the beauty of floor. These are some combinations of colored marble chips which are generally used. There are combinations of two colors for marble chips such as white and green, white and black, white and red, white and brown, white with chocolate etc. In some combinations tri color combination of marble chips such as white, red and yellow; white, green and red are also used as per liking of the house owner.

For more information on flooring you can click on the link given below.

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