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want vastu suggetion for room for good sleep, less depression and good study.
my room is on 2nd floor, door facing north east , window south west, window is diagonal to door, table is southwest near window, almirah is south, wall is in front of door then to east of that wall there is walcony common, problem is that i am not able to sleep there , even unable to concentrate on studies , please tell me 
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Question category : Study Room
On : 05/17/2008
Views : 1605
Status : Closed
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Answered by Priti Arora on Tue Apr 15, 2008 1:51 PM
 To enjoy a sound sleep, you must place your bed against South wall. To increase concentration you should face East or North direction while sitting for study before study table. As far as possible, place the ‘almirah’ adjacent to west wall.
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Answered by Swapnil P. Bendekar on Tue Apr 15, 2008 11:16 AM

Directions for beds in the bedroom:

  • The bed should always face towards the north if you wish to sleep well.

  • Place the head of your bed to the east and you will never get up with an headache.

  • Sleep with your head towards the east for good luck.

  • It is good to place the head of the bed against a wall for support.

  • The head of the bed should not share a common wall with the toilet.

  • Set your bed so it faces south and you will be lucky also.

Directions for entrance to the bedroom:

  • The entrance of a bedroom should be in the East, the West or the North

  • Sleeping with legs in these direction give name ,fame, peace and prosperity.

Directions for windows in the bedroom:

  • Windows should be placed in the East or the North.

Location of bedroom in home

  • Bedrooms should be located in the North direction leaving the North-West part of the North side.

  • Since morning sun-rays are available in some extent in the Northern bedroom.

  • If you sleep with your head towards the East or the South in such bedroom, you can enjoy sound sleep.

  • Sleeping with legs towards the north side makes man wealthy and prosperous.

  • The excellent location of the bedroom is the West or the South zone in a home.


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