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what are the materials use for partitioning?

I want to know the various types of materials used for partion walls.

and what is the best material to be used us a partition for office building

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Question category : Partitions
On : 05/14/2008
Views : 2172
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Answered by himanshu on Thu Feb 28, 2008 10:16 PM

Besides the materials as mentioned by Mr. Amit Hasija one can also use the following materials for partitioning

2.fibre sheet

These may be used to erect temporary partitions.

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Answered by Amit Hasija on Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:51 PM

There is different type of partition walls as given below:

1. According to use of space.
2. According to material

1. According to use of space: While construction partition wall, one should see the use of space obtained by constructing partition wall. In case we want space for toilet, private/secret cabin or for keeping valuable and secret data than brick partition wall may be constructed, and this should be from floor level to roof level.

2. According to material:
1. Brick partition wall: In this type of partition wall material s like bricks, cement, sand is used
2. Wooden partition wall: Wooden partition  walls are also made from different type of materials as given below

     a. Wooden panel partition wall
     b. Block board partition wall
     c. Particle board wooden partition wall
     d. Veneered particle board partition wall
     e. Fiber board partition wall
     f. Hard board partition wall

The best material for wooden partition wall is :
1. Hard Board (IS1658-1977) In this quality of hard board temper hard board should be taken because it has high density (800-1200 kg per m3) and water resistance temper hard board may be used.
2. Veneered particle board having density over 0.9 (IS 3478-1968) BWR grade may be used.

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