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why only the cast iron pipes r suitable 4 drainage in the kitchen not plastic pipes

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Question category : Kitchen
On : 03/09/2008
Views : 1308
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Answered by Monika Parmar on Thu Nov 29, 2007 11:58 AM
 Amit, Generally low quality plastic pipes are available in the market and the shopkeeper tries to give low quality plastic pipes to the customers.


The plumber does not care about the jointing also. There are so many chances of breaking the PVC pipes stated above. Keeping in mind the above mentioned CI Pipes are recommended for use in the kitchen.

But if you can purchase heavy duty plastic pipe and the plumber could lay the pipe carefully by providing cement concrete cover on the pipe, PVC pipes are also suitable for the drainage of the kitchen.

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Answered by gulshan bareja on Mon Nov 26, 2007 3:49 PM

Both cast Iron pipes and Plastic pipes are suitable for kitchen. The cast iron pipes are easy in manufacturing, laying and jointing so; these pipes are extensively used for drainage. They are fairly reliable, best suited for pressure mains. Because of thickness they can bear up external loads better than steel pipes.

Heavy duty plastic pipes are suitable for kitchen. These pipes are light in weight, tough, resistant to chemical attack and available in large lengths. Due to lesser number of joints there are less chances of leakage. These are immune to corrosion. Smooth internal surface of the plastic pipes offers less friction ad saves the energy in the conveyance of water.

Be sure, while laying the top surface of the plastic pipes is covered with cement concrete block.

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Answered by Ruchika on Wed Nov 21, 2007 4:46 PM

You can use plastic pipes in the kitchen for drainage but the pipes should be heavy duty plastic pipes with proper jointing and be laid carefully covering the top surface with cement concrete block.

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