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What is a 'HABITAT CENTRE' ?

I am student of Architecture, now doing thesis on HABITAT CENTRE to be built in Gurgaon,Sec-29 .

I will be very thankful to you, if you provide me some short of help...


What is the proper meaning of 'Habitat Centre'.

What are the basic requirements which make it a 'Habitat Centre' .

How is it different from a convention centre .

Main features to keep in mind while designing a Habitat Centre .

Any suggestion to make it a good design .

               ...........   THANKS

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Question category : Others
On : 05/18/2008
Views : 5568
Status : Closed
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Answered by Chutki on Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:14 PM
 According to ‘Wikipedia’ the term habitat stands for ecology and includes many interrelated features, specially the immediate physical environment, the urban environment or the social environment. So a habitat center is a place that brings individual institutions and organizations together to increase their efficiency.
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