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contradictory ?!
Directions for beds in the bedroom:
  • .
  • Place the head of your bed to the east and you will never get up with an headache.
  • Sleep with your head towards the east for good luck.
  • It is good to place the head of the bed against a wall for support.
  • The head of the bed should not share a common wall with the toilet.


    The above article has some contradictory message.

    Once you say that "The bed should always face towards the north if you wish to sleep well"

    and you also write that...

  • Set your bed so it faces south and you will be lucky also.
  • What should one accept from this ?

    Kindly explain it.

    Price : Rs.0
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    Question category : Others
    On : 04/10/2008
    Views : 845
    Status : Closed
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    Expert(s) chosen:  No experts
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    Answered by Ruchika on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:27 PM
    Dear Dr. Pawar 
    Thank you so much for reviewing the article and sending the feedback to us. This is the only way to improve the quality of contents removing ambiguity.
    At last we want to write that the face of bed should face the South. If this happens, the person sleeping on the bed would automatically face the North direction.
    But as you rightly noted that the text as given in the article is not clear. I will forward this to our Vaastu Consultant and make the correction accordingly.
    Thanks and Regards
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