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Is there any wash able paint available on which kids can scribble with chalk and crayons? If, yes can I please have the details?

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Question category : Kids room
On : 05/20/2008
Views : 1600
Status : Closed
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Answered by AM on Thu Feb 07, 2008 7:57 PM

Hi! You can paint the wall using chalkboard paint from Nerolac which is available in black color. Alternately, you can buy imported chalkboard paint which is available in various colors like pink, green, orange. These paints are available in some imported baby stuff stores in Delhi. They also carry a range of magnetic paints which makes the whole wall a magnet :) The only downside is that the cost is pretty high.

A cheaper alternative is to put up a readymade green board (chalkboard) which can be made to custom sizes. These are available in leading stationery stores.

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Answered by Love thy community on Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:35 PM

My cousin had once painted the whole room with white and allowed his daughter to wrtie what ever and wherever. Just in a couple of months, all walls had stuff written all over them, the room looked crazy to a few but it was fun. And when I was visiting Museam of Modern Art,  New York, they had one complete room dedicated for just similar scribbles all over by some artist.  My 2 cents :)

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Answered by megha singhal on Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:17 PM


U can use Nerolac Acrylic Emulsion..other than that i suggest u to have a small white board hanging on wall with in the reach of ur chilren and try out thier favourite things (photographs, toys, colours)collage on walls, also u can use their drawings for displays so that walls look themselves interesting and ur kids prefer using board for their drawings..  


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