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How is color created for plastic emulsion paint for walls?
I want to paint the walls of my house in off white or pale cream color. What is the process of creating the color for plastic emulsion?
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Question category : Plastic or Acrylic Emulsion Paint
On : 02/07/2008
Views : 1326
Status : Closed
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Answered by Priti Arora on Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:42 PM

Hi Geetu

Plastic emulsion paint is available in white shade in the market. There are many colors which are prepared in different shades for painting on the walls. Shade cards of plastic emulsion paint from various brands are available in market and code number is given on the shade card for each shade of color. You can select the shade and ask the supplier to prepare the paint for required shade which is prepared by computerized machine. In case you are living in a small town where the facility of computerized machine is not available or you want very small quantity of paint, the painter can prepare the required shade by adding color stains in plastic emulsion paint.


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