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I have just bought a house. Right next to the common toilet (adjoinin) is a small closet which I thought to make a temple. Can you please advise if this would be appropriate?

Price : Rs.0
Paid : Rs.0
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Pooja Room
On : 06/02/2008
Views : 1794
Status : Closed
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Expert(s) chosen:  No experts
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Answered by on Wed May 07, 2008 11:38 AM
 Its all sic logical factor. If you have doubts, you should not make one, because later you will be confused. Otherwise functionally it does not disturb for performing puja if toilet is maintained well. However door of toilet must be in different direction.
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Answered by Priti Arora on Tue May 06, 2008 4:07 PM

Hello Pranab

Can you specify the direction in which do you want to make pooja room.

You can find help from the link : Pooja Room Vastu


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