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which tools are used for application of dry distemper

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Question category : Others
On : 05/27/2008
Views : 544
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:45 PM

The following tools are usedfor dry distemper application:

1.                 Coconutgrass/Narial brush for cleaning mortar dropping, dust and other foreignmaterials etc.

2.                 Sand paper,coarse grade and fine grade for making smooth surface of the wall.

3.                 Iron Patti for Applingputty on walls.

4.                 Old cloth/Dhotifor cleaning the surface, dropping of distemper and brushes etc.

5.                 Empty tin forpouring distemper at time of application.

6.                 15’ cm double bristol brush.

7.        Laddersetc

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