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what is the formula to calculate the required quantity of sand and cement for stucco

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Question category : Cement Plastering
On : 06/01/2008
Views : 1943
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Answered by Priti Arora on Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:29 PM

The quantity of cement and sand is depends upon the thickness of the stucco and ratio of mortar used in stucco. The quantity of cement and sand according to the thickness and ratio is as under:


Unit Per Sq meter          Thickness       Ratio      Cement             Sand

1.            12 mm thick      1:2       0.18 Bags         0.014 cum

2.            12 mm thick      1:3       0.15 Bags         0.015 cum

3.            12 mm thick      1:4       0.11 Bags         0.015 cum

4.            15 mm thick      1:2       0.225 Bags       0.018 cum

5.            15 mm thick      1:3       0.1875 Bags     0.01875 cum

6.            15 mm thick      1:4       0.1375 Bags     0.01875 cum

7.            20 mm thick      1:2       0.3 Bags           0.023 cum

8.            20 mm thick      1:3       0.25 Bags         0.025 cum

9.            20 mm thick      1:4       0.183 Bags       0.025 cum

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