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Is there norm exist for the selection of Main Door ( Not Gate) i.e. Enterance for Hall, should it be single / double shutter?

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Question category : More articles on doors
On : 06/03/2008
Views : 1411
Status : Closed
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Answered by Mohini Sharma on Thu May 01, 2008 3:41 PM

Hello swapnil,


The entry of main door depends on the size of room and its connectivity with other rooms. Generally the door should be kept adjacent to wall so that the space is not spare while the door is opened. The door shutter should rest with wall. Main door should be of double leaf shutters more than 3 feet wide because it facilitates the movement of heavy items which are used in the house. In any case if the door is fixed in the middle of room, it must be of double leaf shutter and width of the leaf should be equal.


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