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which kind of problem arise before water proofing treatment ?

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Question category : Cement
On : 05/29/2008
Views : 1224
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Answered by Priti Arora on Tue Apr 01, 2008 1:04 PM

The problems which arise before water proofing treatment are following.

1. The surface to which water proofing is to be done is wet.
2. There are patches on the surface which creates leakage in later.
3. The cement mortar sticks on many places on the surface which creates problem in cleaning.
4. The joints/junctions with parapet are not finished well.
5. The mouth of rain water pipe is not properly finished.
6. Bitumen is under heated; which creates problem while applying on the surface.
7. Proper slope is not maintained in tile terracing.
8. Sunken floors have no proper slope and finishing.


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