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Can the roof of a balcony be dismentled
Can the ceiling of a balcony be dismentled as the house is under renovation and the balcony is renovated into a bedroom and a new ceiling has been constructed .
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Question category : Others
On : 04/04/2008
Views : 574
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:33 PM

Hi Aditi,

The roof of balcony can be dismantled but it is not clear from your question whether you want to make bedroom under the roof of balcony or on the roof of balcony. Both situations are discussed in detail through following tips.

1. If you want to make room under the roof of balcony and want to relay the roof according to size of bedroom, this can be done by dismantling the roof of balcony. After dismantling you should place the old MS steel in proper position and if length or width is increased, extra steel bar should be welded with old bars. Before laying new concrete the joints of old concrete should be cut in slope and this joint should be kept wet for 48 hours before laying new concrete. The joint should also be treated with extra cement paste before laying the roof.

2. If you want to make bedroom on the roof of balcony, it is not practicable because the steel laid in balcony takes cantilever load of balcony slab at some limited area of balcony. For this you may provide extra support under free end of balcony and this can depend upon actual site condition of your house.

Please note that for executing above job you must take help from any experienced civil engineer/structural engineer.



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