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is it a good idea to have a pantry in a sit-out?

I was wondering if anyone has some good suggestions or photos or tips or do's and dont's on having a pantry in a sit-out.......

all suggestions and inputs are welcome......



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On : 05/04/2008
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:15 PM

Hey Sonali,

A pantry is a place which can be used for storage of raw material. It’s required for preparation of food and is the place from where cooked food can be served. Pantry is used to maintain account of food in case of joint mess.  It is also used by domestic staff for taking rest in off hours and in night where separate room is not available.

Why pantry is required?
1. It is very good idea to have pantry for sit out so that we can spent more time with nature while taking food.
2. It’s less harmful to store cooking gas in sit out pantry than to store inside the house.
3. It is easy to store all heavy items required for kitchen including food packets etc. in a sit out pantry.
4. It avoids disturbance in the house while storing the material.
5. Its’ cleaning and washing is also easy.
6. It has less construction cost of sewerage and water supply.
7. It is also economical to store items like meat; fishes etc. in sit out pantry as it saves the cost of refrigeration.
If you like to have parties or a large social gathering, it makes sense to spend extra money on pantry. But if you are a small family, it is probably not worth the expenses of building pantry.

Tips for pantry…..
1. It should be adjacent to kitchen to save time for taking raw material and cooked material.
2. It should be located in cool place and in the direction where it could receive least sun rays.
3. It should have less height than other portion of the building to retain a low summer temperature.
4. Its’ opening should have wire gauze shutters to avoid flies and vermin. The wire gauze shutter should have hydraulic door closer.
5. Its’ windows should not have glazed shutters which get heat but they should have wire gauze shutters.
6. It should have a proper slope in floor which helps in cleaning.
7. It should have floor and walls glazed tile surface for easy cleaning.
8. It should equip with shelves and cupboards for appropriate storage.
9. It should have a stone slab counter for serving food items.

I hope information provided here will do for you........


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Answered by ashish batra on Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:41 PM

You can have pantry in sit out if you think that there's lot of space left for providing a counter along with some kitchen accessories.

No doubt that kithen accessories are bulky and are not pleasing, but you can have seperate area by enlosing your pantry counter with plants and flower pots.

Try to make a visual sepration my making a composition of pots or some planters.


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