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which entrance is better acc.. to vastu?

i have  2 entrances @ my home......we wish to use one...n cover the other

1) one is in the south west quadrant of the the south east side...facing west while entry...

2) in the south east quadrant of the house...on the south west side...facing north while entry...

plz...i wud like to knnow if somebdy cud guiide me..which entrance wud b better..

these two the only other entry  can b provided... 

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Question category : Others
On : 04/04/2008
Views : 602
Status : Closed
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Answered by ramprasad on Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:07 PM

Entry from southern side facing north is acceptable whereas entry from

southern side facing south is not acceptable. so follow the first option.

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Answered by Priti Arora on Sat Apr 05, 2008 3:38 PM
 Hi Nidhi
The location of your first entrance is not clear to me. However, I have tried to reply the rest question. I would like you, send me further query giving details for proper clarification. 
Entrance of a house depends on the facing of your plot. Here is the description of entrance regarding facing of the plot.
 Plot Facing                     Direction for Entrance
 East                                North-East or East
 West                              North-West or West
 North                             North-East or North
 South                             South-East or South 
 South-East                     East or South East
 North-East                     North-East, North, East
 South-West                   South
 North-West                   North
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Answered by Swapnil P. Bendekar on Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:22 PM
 Actually it depends on your plot , which side has a road. You can get Best entrance in East & North side if your plot is having the road(s) on this side. But every plot  can't have road on these sides. 
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Answered by Priti Arora on Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:31 AM

Hello Nidhi

Your question is not clear. please send us details. try to send us layout of your house.


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