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how to make meenakari paintings



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Question category : Others
On : 04/09/2008
Views : 4365
Status : Closed
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Answered by anna jacob on Thu Apr 10, 2008 2:09 PM

Meenakari is the art of decorating metal with enameling. The piece of metal on which meenakari-painting is 2 b done is fixed on a lac stick. Then delicate designs of flowers, birds, Lord Krishna etc r etched on it. Thus a surface or grooves r created 2 hold the colour.Enamel dust of required colour is then poured into the grooves & each colour is fired individually. The heat melts the colour & coloured liquid spreads equally into the groove. Both gold 'n silver can b used as base  4 meenakari. At times copper is also used. After all the colours r thus added the object is cooled 'n polished  2 get the end product.  Thank you.

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Answered by Priti Arora on Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:29 PM

Presently we have no details about ‘Meenakari’ paintings. However, these will be provided shortly after the availability at our website.



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