Question details
i am attaching my house plan and request you to give me the cost estimation
i will be using mosaic for flooring and teak frames with flush doors... 
Price : Rs.0
Paid : Rs.0
Balance : Rs.0
Question category : Others
On : 05/19/2008
Views : 646
Status : Closed
Files attached : No files
Expert(s) chosen:  No experts
Status history
Answered by Rajendra R Sulke on Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:47 AM
 Hello Madam,
Will you please let me know where is ur house plan is uploaded ?
I didnot get it ....please upload it to picture uploaded section in ur account..
awaiting ur reply
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Answered by Pawan Batra on Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:23 PM

Hello Madam

Could you please send us an email when you will be online on the we will give you online demo for the Cost Estimator for your house plan.


Pawan Batra

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