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I would like to know about italian tiles and with pictures
I would like to know about italian tiles with pictures. What is the best tiles to use
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Question category : Tile Flooring
On : 05/19/2008
Views : 1262
Status : Closed
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Answered by Amit Hasija on Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:05 PM

Hi Prakash,

Italian Ceramic tiles are extensively used for flooring. These tiles are available in many sizes, colors, designs and finishes. The tiles have some excellent properties. Italian ceramic tiles are extremely strong, stain free, scratch resistant, light in weight, bacteria free, fire proof, easy in washing and anti slip. Being light in weight these are very much suitable for floors in multi storey buildings.

For more detailed reading, See article "Tile Flooring, designs & installation guidelines"
at link below,-designs--installation-guidelines_0.aspx?PL=2&ArticleID=1524&CatID=1477&Count=-1&Tot_Rec=6&Page_Id=1&Estimator=

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