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Flat RCC roof gets very hot in india?

Is there any way to lower the temperature of the room without adding too much weight to the roof slab?

Am I in danger of the roof cracking with its hot temperature?

Location near Navsari Gujarat (Railway station before Surat)

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Question category : Roofing and Ceiling
On : 06/01/2008
Views : 1584
Status : Closed
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Expert(s) chosen:  No experts
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Answered by Mohini Sharma on Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:01 PM

Hello Kitan,

You should treat your flat roof with mud ‘Phaska’ and lay brick tiles on the top of roof slab. It will prevent the roof slab from cracks due to direct heat, abnormal heat transmission into the room and will provide proper drainage of rain water.

For lowering temperature of the room or for reducing the heat through roof and wall of the house, click on the link below:

 ‘Thermal Insulation’


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