
GharExpert.Com is a fast growing website that shares its knowledge base with community, helps you to build your dream home / office by reading articles, viewing interior / exterior pictures under expert’s guidance. GharExpert provides you the comprehensive information about flooring installation tips, flooring installation guidelines, installing precautions for wooden flooring, marble flooring, stone flooring, tile flooring, cement flooring, etc.
Installation Precautions for Wooden Flooring
Installation Precautions are compulsory to make wooden flooring long lasting. If You do not follow these precautions, you will have to bear a great loss in your wooden floors.
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What is the recommended temperature and the rate of flow for the supply of hot water(storage type of installation) to various fixture?
To minimize the danger of blistering, risk of steam formation etc. Storage temperature of 60 degree C is recommended. This may be increased up to 65 degree C when soft water is used and the storage capacity is limited.
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What is the recommended temperature and the rate of flow for the supply of hot water(storage type of installation) to various fixture?
To minimize the danger of blistering, risk of steam formation etc. Storage temperature of 60 degree C is recommended. This may be increased up to 65 degree C when soft water is used and the storage capacity is limited.
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What is the recommended temperature and the rate of flow for the supply of hot water(storage type of installation) to various fixture?
To minimize the danger of blistering, risk of steam formation etc. Storage temperature of 60 degree C is recommended. This may be increased up to 65 degree C when soft water is used and the storage capacity is limited.
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What are various tools used for the installation of Fluorescent tube light?
Fluorescent light tubes come in many shapes and sizes. An increasingly popular one is the compact fluorescent light bulb (CF). A fluorescent lamp produces much useful visible light which require only 1/3 to 1/4 of the input electricity.
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What are the appropriate places for installation of rubber flooring?
Appropriate places for installation of rubber flooring-Bathrooms, Hospitals
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What are the various ways of the Installation of Vinyl flooring?
Vinyl flooring can be installed as either sheet or tile..................
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Which place is suitable for installation of blended marble vinyl flooring?
Suitable places for Blended vinyl flooring---Rooms.........
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What are the important steps of maintenance after installation of blended marble vinyl flooring?
Important steps of maintenance after installation of blended marble vinyl flooring.........
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By unmaya -  On  7/18/2008 8:12:25 AM
Comments made on Which place is suitable for installation of blended marble vinyl flooring?

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