Colors play an important role in making up one’s mood and attitude. A house reflects one’s life-style and social status.
Wall painting designs are inexpensive options to creatively decorate your room. There are a lot of wall painting designs available in the market. which can help give your room an entirely different and modern look. Our article contains some of the wall painting designs that will help you in decorating the walls as well as the room in a stylish way.
Interior as well as exterior of the house can’t make up a statement without talking about color schemes. Paint is therefore an essential facet of wall decor. Because numerous companies are coming up with millions of shades and products, it is significant how a layman approaches towards coloring his own home.
Wall painting design is a difficult task. However one can go with the following schemes.
Paints for Interior
Wall painting design- Emulsions
These paints for wall dry quickly and are washable, stain resistant and durable. They give smoother finish.
Wall painting design- Distempers
These are available in dry and oil-bound varieties. Hence these are more popular for lower budget schemes.
Wall painting design- Oil paints
These are available in different finishes. They took longer time to dry and are costlier than other products.
Wall painting design- Textured paints
These are also in today’s trend breaking the monotony of the flat wall and make the wall itself a feature element of the space but are recommended in dust free space as texture paints trapped dust easily.
Wall painting design- Enamels
These are suitably the best for metal, giving them tough, durable and glossy finish.
Wall painting design- Melamine
This finish is preferred on wooden surfaces to safeguard them from scratches and stains. Transparent or opaque paints can be used to enhance natural look of the wood.
Paints for Exterior
Wall painting design- Primers
These are used at first on the surface to ensure resistance from corrosion and also get soaked by the surface to reduce the costlier paint’s consumption. One should use primer coating on wood, metal and concrete surfaces.
Wall painting design- Silicon Paints
This is a transparent variety to resist the surface from water, dust, algae, fungi and fade caused due to high temperature. It acts as a shield to the surface. Silicon based paints are durable for longer period.
Wall painting design- Textured Paint
This paint can give better design options with protection against algae and fungi, if emulsion based.
Wall painting design- Acrylic Exterior Emulsions
These paints give smoother finish and gather lesser dust as compared to textured paints. The consumption is also lesser, thus it is cost effective.
Follow the steps while painting.
Sanding and cleaning of the surface in order to get smoother and long lasting paint finish.
Special effects to make home wall more exiting and interesting:
1. Wall painting effect- Sponging:
2. Wall painting effect- Rag- rolling:
3. Wall painting effect- Stippling:
4.Wall painting effect- Dragging: