You spend a lot of money to construct a swimming pool and on its other equipments. But if your pool is frequently too cold to swim then your all investment is worthless.
Types of pool heaters.......
There are two basic types of pool heating systems. Which one is best for you depends on the requirement, budget, personal choice and physical lay out of the pool.
1.Heat pump pool heaters
2.Gas pool heaters
1.Heat Pump pool heaters:
Heat pump pool heaters use electricity and move heat from one place to another. These heaters do not generate heat.
It is an energy efficient way to heat your swimming pool.
A heat pump can work when the out side temperature is above 45 degrees.
Heat pimps can work for 10 to 15 years.
Heat pump pool heaters cost more than cost more than gas heaters but with proper maintenance they are last longer than gas pool heaters.
Size of the heater depends upon many factors like heating load for outdoor pool, wind exposure, cool night temperatures, humidity level etc.
2. Gas pool heaters:
Gas pool heaters are rated by Btu (British thermal unit). Out put range from 75000 to 450000 Btu.
Water from filter is pumped into the inlet of the heater.
Water coming into the pool feels a little warm.
Gas pool heaters are effective but expensive.
They work faster than other pool heaters.
Natural or propane gas is used for these heaters.
Its maintenance is very costly and and will last about 5 years.
Try one other option ............
Solar blankets:
Solar blankets trap heat from the sun rays in the pool water.
These are made of a film of thousands of tiny bubbles.
They are good source of retaining the heat in the pool by allowing the solar energy to pass through.
It reduces the heating cost and increases the temperature of the pool water.
These blankets serve as a pool cover also as they do not allow debris to blow into the pool.
Solar pool blanket is the most economical way to raise the temperature. ;
Fine sand should consist of natural sand or crushed stone sand. It should be hard, durable, clean and be free from organic matter etc. and should not contain any appreciable amount of clay balls and harmful impurities such as alkalis, salts, coal, decayed vegetation etc.